Saturday, December 13, 2008

December 12 Meeting

The team made graphs to show the rainfall precipitation as well as the max and min temperatures of the desert. The graphs will be put on the poster board.

The team is still fine tuning their moving object. They built storage bins in the back of the water driller. They then attached tubing that makes it look like the water that is being drilled from the cactus root is going through the hoses and into the storage bins!!

Good Team Work!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November 21 Meeting

The Jr. Robot Rampagers learned how to make some of the information that was collected into a better format so it would be easier to understand. They had monthly temperatures of the Great Basin in parts of Nevada, and they also had monthly amounts of precipitation in the same area. A graph of the amount of snowfall in the Great Basin was also made easier to understand. From that graph, the team noticed that about the same time they get their heaviest snowfall (about 4 inches max) we get ours, January.
These easier to read formats will be posted on their posterboard.

Nice Work!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

November 14 Meeting

Today the team started on their posterboard. They are going to show both cold and hot deserts. They also have an area that they are researching, The Great Basin Desert. The Great Basin is considered a cold desert because most of its winter precipitation is snow.
Some research was done as well. RoboRose found what the definition of climate was. Technobot did a small report about deserts and The Great Basin.
Looking Good Everyone!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 7 Meeting

Today was a very exiting day for the Jr. Robot Rampagers!!
Today the team put their heads together and built their moving Lego masterpiece!!
It helps to collect water by drilling into the cactus root to supply the desert dwellers with fresh and clean water to drink.
The design also shows that there is a hot and cold deserts.
The only thing that wasn't done with it was to attach a collecting bucket for all the water to go in.
Next week they will start on the poster.

It's Looking Good!!!

October 31 Meeting

To start the day out, the team talked about things that live in the desert. They looked at pictures of mesas and buttes.
After learning what is in the desert, the team came up with a list of what pictures they wanted to put on their poster. All of the pictures had to resemble something of the desert. Some of the things they came up with was a camel, catcus and an oasis.
Knowing the things on the list, members started practicing their drawing.
Next week they will start on the moving Lego piece that would help the people that live in the desert.

This is a mesa.

This a butte.

Monday, October 27, 2008

October 24 Meeting

For this meeting, the team talked about the greenhouse affects in a desert and looked at a map for the Great Basin, our target area.
They also looked at a book that explains what succulents are and then looked at the leaves of the plant Hens and Chickens (also known as cats and kittens).
After coming back inside, they completed a project from last meeting. The JrRR's were very excited to learn that they would be using the motor in the kit!! They completed one project with the motor (shown in the video).

Here LegoScientist and RoboRose are working together to finish the project from last week.

Technobot, LegoArtist and Naomi are taking turns putting together pieces for a motorized model.
This is their first motorized project

Sunday, October 5, 2008

October 3 Meeting

Today the team started by reading some books. This is the book they took turns reading: Deserts by Cathryn Sill, and these are the books they looked at: Desert by April Pulley Sayre, Deserts by Keith Lye and Biomes of the World: Deserts by Michael Allaby. If you can imagine these books were pretty HOT!!!

After reading, the team brought out the building kit and started building. They finished a piece from last week and made a new one. There was allot of compromising when the required pieces weren't available.
These are the projects that were finished today!!
Here Technobot is showing off one of the moving projects completed.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

September 26

The JR. RR's first learned about their climate topic, the desert. After looking up and reading about the desert they each were given a chart to write 'What I Know', 'What I Want to Know', and 'What I Learned'. This chart will also be used at following meetings. The team talked about the animals and people that live in the desert and how they survive.

After reading, the team broke out the building kit to start some more assembly. They worked together to collect, build and take apart pieces. One of the projects they made was a windsurfer and it had 3 different sized sails and the team talked about why the smaller sizes went slower than the bigger ones. The Jr. RR's are working hard to learn about their climate and working as a team!!!
Quotes from the Team!!!
Naomi said "Legos are fun little blocks and you can do so many things with them!"
Technobot said "How excited I am about doing this!"
Keep Up the Good Work!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

September 12 Meeting

The meeting started with sorting pieces from their kit. After the sorting was complete, the team started building the first project of many to come to prepare them for the building in the future. Some mistakes were made, but they were corrected and that is progress. Along with the building, they also picked a type of climate to work with: Desert. Afterwards they all sat and looked at a book about weather and climate.

Good Building and Keep it Up!!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Season Kickoff!!!!

Welcome Junior Robot Rampagers to this season!!!!

The September 5th meeting was full of fun and learning!!

With the topic being Climate, the team took turns reading aloud pages of the book about climate called Weather by Rena K. Kirkpatrick. After reading, the team answered questions about weather and climate. Then they looked at a globe to locate different areas of different climates.

The team challenge was to pick a climate and make something out of Legos to help the people in that climate. The climate they chose was a changing climate. They broke up into 2 teams and made models.

The first team; Edy, Megan, Gianna; built a vehicle. Their vehicle had an temperature gauge, weather vane, water gauge, a satellite to receive radar and skis to use in the winter.

The second team, Thomas and Keirstin, built a boat that can glide across ice and has a tow rope, radar for weather, a telescope and an ice saw.

Great Teamwork Junior RR's!!!!
Keep it up!!!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

August 22 Meeting

The August meeting project was to build a sturdy wall for a house. The team worked hard to make a strong wall for their Lego house.
They worked as a team finding and fitting pieces together. The project was very well done and withstood flying (Lego) boulders. Even some landscaping was added to the front of the house.
They worked just as hard during the destruction and sorting while developing the skill of teamwork.
See you soon,

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Creating Robots!

The kids all met for their 1st August meeting and built robots and monsters out of LEGOS ... they also learned that things aren't always as easy as they seem. We had a few mishaps and continual modifications along the way but in the end everyone was happy. Both our Junior and Mini Robot Rampagers participated, and everyone had a lot of fun.